[轉錄]常用服裝布料中英對照 | English-Chinese Textile/Garment Vocabulary



Fibers & Yarn | 原料代號

C=Cotton | 棉
L=Linen | 亞麻
W=Wool | 羊毛
WS=Cashmere | 羊絨
LA=Lambswool | 羊羔毛
S=Silk | 蠶絲

M=Mohair 馬海毛
RH=Rabbit hair | 兔毛
AL=Alpaca | 羊駝毛
CH=Camel haira | 駝毛
S=Silk | 真絲
J=Jute | 黃麻
TS=Tussah silk | 柞蠶絲
YH=Yark hair | 犛牛毛
N=Nylon, Polya mid | 尼龍,錦綸
T=Polyester | 聚酯纖維,滌綸

R=Rayon | 人造棉,人造絲
A=Acrylic | 人造毛,亞克力紗
AC=Acetate | 醋酸纖維,酸酯纖維
AL=Albumen | 蛹蛋白纖維
BM=Bamboo | 竹纖維
CU=Cuprammonium rayon | 銅纖維
EL=Elastane fiber | 彈力纖維
HM=Hemp | 大麻
JU=Jute | 黃麻
LC=Lyocell | 萊賽爾纖維
MC=Modal | 莫代爾
MD=polynosic | 粘膠
ME=metallic | 金屬纖維
Mulberry Silk | 桑蠶絲
P/C=Polyester/Cotton | 聚酯纖維/棉 混紡
PA=Polyamide | 錦綸,聚醯胺纖維
PC=Acrylic | 腈綸
Viscose | 人造絲,粘膠纖維
OP=Spandex | 彈性纖維,氨綸(日本較常使用OP)
LY=Lycra | 萊卡(杜邦彈性紗)
Tactel | 特達(杜邦彈性紗)
Spun | 短纖(捻成絲狀)
Filament | 長纖,絲
Micro fiber | 超細纖維
Tencel | 天絲棉
Recycled fibers | 環保纖維
Metallic yarn | 金屬紗
Sea lands cotton | 海島棉
Carbon Fibers | 碳纖維 

Dyeing & Finishing | 染整加工

Grey inspecting | 胚檢
Singeing | 燒毛
Desizing | 退漿
Scouring | 精鍊
Bleaching | 漂白
Mercerizing | 絲光
Setting | 定型
Exhaustion | 浸染
Padding | 軋染
Cold batch | 冷捲固色
Drying | 烘乾
Steaming | 汽蒸(固色)
Chem pad | 化學浸軋(固色)
Thermofixation | 烘乾固色
Baking | 熱焙固色
Oxidizing | 氧化顯色
Reduction | 還原洗
Soaping & Rinsing | 皂洗
Resin finishing | 樹脂加工
Curing | 烘焙
Calendering | 軋光
Sanforizing | 預縮
Finished inspection | 成檢
Packing | 包裝
Printing | 印花
Flocking | 植絨
Striking out | 起毛
Embossed/Logotype | 軋花
Coating(PVC/PU/PA) | 涂佈/上膠
Gold print | 燙金
Brushed | 磨毛
Wrinkled | 起皺
Stiffening | 硬挺
Anti-pilling | 抗起球
Stone washed | 砂洗
W/P (Water proof) | 防水
W/R (Water repellent) | 潑水
W/S (Water shrinkage) | 縮水
Cutting | 裁切
Lamination | 貼合
Sueding | 仿麂皮起絨
Peach skin finish | 桃皮起毛加工
Fleece finish | 起絨,刷毛加工
Anti-pilling finish | 抗起球加工
Resin finish | 樹脂整理

Fabric Type | 布種

Knitted Fabric | 針織布
Jersey | 單面平紋緯編布
Rib | 羅(菱)紋布
Single Jersey | 單面針織布
Double Jersey | 雙面針織布
Interlock | 雙羅紋組織,棉毛布
Jacquard Knit | 提花針織布
Pique | 凹凸組織織物
Warp knitted fabrics | 經編針織布
Weft knitted fabrics | 緯編針織布
Flat Knit | 橫編針織
Terry | 毛巾布,毛圈織物
Fleece | 抓毛布,起絨布
Terry fleece | 單面刷毛布
Polar fleece | 雙面刷毛布
Anti-pilling polar fleece | 搖粒絨布
Looped Pile, Pile Knit | 毛圈織物
Cut pile | 剪毛織物
Plush, Long pile | 長毛絨
Fur | 仿毛布
Plain knitting | 平紋針織布
Mesh fabric | 網眼織物
Lace | 蕾絲
Tricot | 特利可得經編布
Tricot jersey | 經編平紋布
Velour/Velvet | 絲絨/天鵝絨
Waffle pique | 蜂巢紋凹凸織物
Woven Fabric | 平織布
Plain | 平紋
Twill | 斜紋
Satin | 經向緞紋布
Sateen | 緯向緞紋布
Pongee | 繭綢,府綢
Poplin | 細薄平紋梭織布,府綢
Rayon flocking | 人棉植絨布
Metallic woven fabric | 金蔥布
Bengaline | 羅緞,水兵布
Canvas | 帆布
Chambray | 有條紋格子的布
Check | 格子布
Corduroy | 燈芯絨
Crinkle | 皺皺布
Denim, Jean | 牛仔布
Flannel | 法蘭絨布
Gauze | 紗布
Gingham | 條紋(或格子)布
Interlining, Lining | 內裡布
Micro fiber fabric | 超細纖維布
Muslin | 平紋薄布(床單用)
Oxford | 牛津布
Quilted textile | 刺縫織物
Ribstop | 格子提花裡布
Suiting | 西裝布
Taffeta | 塔夫塔綢
Taslon | 塔史龍
Yarn dyed fabric | 色紗織物
Jacquard,Dobby | 提花布 

Printing | 印花

Screen printing | 網版印花
Block printing | 模版印花
Blotch printing | 底色印花/單面印花
Burn-out printint | 燒花印花
Coat printing | 塗料印花
Direct printing | 直接印花
Discharge printing | 拔染印花
Electrostatic flocking | 靜電植絨
Flock printing | 植絨印花
Mechanical flocking | 機械植絨
Gold foil stamping | 燙金
Silver foil stamping | 燙銀
Transfer printing | 轉移印花
Heat transfer printing | 熱轉移印花
Ink-jet printing | 噴墨印花
Jet printing | 噴射印花
Over printing | 套印/疊印
Paper stencil printing | 紙版印花
Plate printing | 平版印花
Registered printing | 雙面印花
Registration | 對花印花
Resist printing | 防染印花
Roller printing | 滾筒印花
Rotary screen printing | 圓網印花
Srike-off | 印花打樣

Inspection | 檢驗測量

Washing shrinkage | 水洗縮率
Steaming shrinkage | 燙縮
Color fastness | 色牢度
Washing color fastness | 水洗色牢度
Rubbing color fastness | 耐摩擦色牢度
Light color fastness | 耐光色牢度
Perspiration color fastness | 耐汗色牢度
Water color fastness | 耐水色牢度
Phenolic Yellowing | 耐酚黃化
Tensile strength | 拉伸/抗張強度
Tearing strength | 撕裂強度
Bonding strength | 剝離強度
Seam slippage | 接縫滑裂
Pilling resistance | 抗起毛起球性
Abrasion resistance | 耐磨性
Water repellency | 拒水性
Water resistance | 抗水性
Water vapour permeability | 透溼度
Rain test | 雨淋
Spray test | 一般撥水
Oil perpellency | 一般撥油
Soli release | 防污
Water absorbency | 吸濕
Wicking | 蕊吸
Pilling | 起毛毬
Abrasion | 耐磨
Electrical surface resistivity | 抗靜電
Flame retardant | 阻燃
Thread per inth/stich density | 織物密度
PH value | PH值
Yarn count | T紗支
Weight | 克重
Width | 幅寬
Ends per inch/Warp rate | 經密
Picks per inch | 緯密
AZO free/ No AZO | 不含偶氮 

Fabric Functions | 布料功能性加工

Anti-Bacterial | 抗菌
Anti-Static | 抗靜電
Anti-fungus | 防霉
Waterproof | 防水
Breathable | 透濕
Windproof | 防風
Electromagnetic shielding | 防電磁波
Far infrared | 遠紅外線
Flame resistant | 防(火)焰
Flam retardant | 阻燃
Moisture wicking | 吸濕
Quick dry | 快乾
Oil repellency | 潑油
Soil release | 防油污
UV protective | 抗紫外線
Water repellency | 潑水效果
DWR | 長效潑水效果
Wrinkle free | 防皺
Wash and wear | 免燙
Thermal | 保暖 

Sampling | 打樣

Initial/Proto sample | 原樣/初樣
Sales sample | 銷售樣
Showroom sample | 展示樣
Photo sample | 照相樣
Pre-production/PP sample | 產前樣
Test sample | 測試樣
Shipping/Shipment sample | 船頭樣
Counter sample | 確認樣,回樣
Bulk sample | 大貨樣
Swatch album | 樣簿/樣冊 

Sewing Workmanship | 服裝車縫製工

Sewing sequence | 車縫工序
1-Needle lockstitch | 單針平車
Zig-Zag stitches | 人字平車
Overlock | 拷克
2 Needle coverstitch | 雙針三本
Chain stitch | 鏈鏈車
3-Needle flatlock stitch | 3針爬線,爬網併縫
4-Needle 6-Thread flatlock stitch | 四針六線,四針併縫
Needle distance | 3mm針距
Binder | 包邊蝴蝶,滾邊蝴蝶
Binding | 包邊
Binding with SLV opening | R折
Binding with top vent | 面叉包邊
Binding tape 包邊
Binding/Bound 滾條
raglan seams | 插肩縫
triangle stitch | 三角車線
princess seam | 公主線

Measuring | 服裝測量尺寸

Chest width | 胸圍
Body width | 胸圍
Waist point meas.to CB neckline | 腰測點到後中領圈
Chest meas.point to waist meas.point | 胸量點至腰量點
Chest meas.point to hip meas.point | 胸量點至臀量點
Waist width | 腰圍
Waistband width | 腰帶寬
Waistband height | 腰帶高
Hem opening | 下擺
hem width | 下擺寬
Sweep(on whole) | 下擺(整圈)
Hem height | 下擺高
Back extension | 後片延伸長
Shoulder length | 肩長
Shoulder and sleeve length | 肩袖長
Sleeve length | 袖長
Armhole length | 袖窿長
Armhole depth | 袖籠深
Armhole rib length | 袖籠羅紋長
Armhole rib height | 袖籠羅紋高
Armhole facing width | 袖籠貼寬
Armhole stitching height | 袖籠壓線高
Armhole piping width | 袖籠出芽寬
Sleeve width | 袖寬
Forearm width | 前臂寬
Biceps | 前臂寬
forearm meas.point above cuff seam | 肘寬袖口縫份上
Sleeve opening | 袖口
Sleeve cuff width | 袖克夫寬
Sleeve cuff height | 袖克夫高
sleeve elastic height| 袖鬆緊高
Back length(with waistband) | 後身長(含腰)
CB body length | 後中長
Back upper body length | 後上身長
Front length | 前身長
CF body length | 前中長
Front upper body length | 前上身長
Neck drop | 領深
Back neck drop | 後領深
Back neck width | 後領寬
collar breadth | 領寬
Neckhole length back | 後領圈長
Neckhole length front | 前領圈長
Back neck facing width | 後領貼寬
Back neck facing height | 後領貼高
Finished neck opening | 完成後領口
Neck rib height | 羅紋領高
Minimum neck opening stretched | 最小領口拉伸直
Minimum neck opening | 最小領開口
collar height | 領高
Collar height front | 前領高
Collar height back | 後領高
Collar stand front | 領座高
Collar length outer edge | 領外長
collar length(outer edge) incl.zip | 領長(含拉鏈)
Front zip length | 前中拉鏈長
full length zipper | 拉鏈全長
inner pocket welt height | 內口袋唇高
lower pocket width | 下口袋寬
(inner)Pocket zip length | (內)口袋拉鏈長
chest pocket width | 胸袋寬
Pocket width | 口袋寬
Pocket height | 口袋高
Pocket opening | 口袋開口
Pocket flap height | 袋蓋高
Welt pocket height | 袋唇高
inner pocket height | 內袋高
inner pocket width | 內袋寬
front pocket height | 前口袋高
front pocket length at bottom | 前口袋底邊長
front pocket length at top | 前口袋頂邊長
front pocket opening length at edge | 前口袋開口邊長
front pocket side seam length | 前口袋側邊長
hand pocket height | 手袋高
hand pocket opening | 手袋開口
pocket placement down from hps | 袋口距肩高點
upper pocket width | 上口袋寬
1/2 Hood neck line | 1/2帽沿領線量
1/2 Hood width | 1/2帽寬
1/2 Hood length | 1/2帽長
Hood length CF to CB neck | 帽長從前中到後中領
Hood side part height from shoulder | 帽側高從肩部量
Hood mid part width | 帽中間接片寬
Hood opening | 帽開口
Hood height c.f | 帽前中高
Storm flap width | 擋風片寬
Slit length | 開叉長
Bottom tiecord length | 下擺穿繩長
Hood tiecord length | 帽穿繩長
front placket width | 前門禁寬
side to front | 側邊距前片
drop tail height | 後延長片高
front panel width at bottom edge | 前片底邊寬
print position | 印花位置
badge position | 標誌位置
Waistband width(relaxed) | 腰圍(平量)
Waistband width(stretched) | 腰圍(拉量)
Waistband height | 腰高
Waistband rib height | 羅紋腰高
Belt length | 腰帶長
Hip width | 臀圍
Top of waistband to hip point | 腰頂至臀點
Hip measurement point | 臀圍測量點
Thigh width | 腿圍
leg opening | 腳口
Leg elastic height | 腳口松緊高
Turn-up height | 卷邊高
Hem band height | 腳口邊高
Leg cuff width | 腳口克夫寬
Leg cuff height | 腳口克夫高
Side/Out seam | 外長
inseam | 內長
Front rise | 前浪
Back rise | 後浪

Front opening length | 前門襟開口長
Fly zip length | 門襟拉鏈長
Fly stitch width | 門襟壓線寬
Side zip length | 側拉鏈長
leg zip | 腳口拉鏈長
Knee width | 膝圍
Calf width | 小腿圍

Inner brief width | 內短褲寬
Inner brief length | 內短褲長
Inner brief side seam length | 內短褲側縫
Inner brief opening | 內短褲腳口
Crotch width | 襠寬
Crotch insert width | 襠接片寬
Hand pocket opening | 手插袋開口
Side pocket opening | 側縫口袋開口
Side leg pocket height | 側腿袋高
Side leg pocket width | 側腿袋寬
Pocket bag length | 口袋布長
Belt loop height | 褲耳長
Skirt back length | 裙後長
Side panel width | 側接片寬
Back yoke height at CB | 後育克高在後中量




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